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Thursday 20 June 2013

3b Edward Hopper

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Edward Hopper was born in NY in 1882 and died in 1967 . He produced nearly 100 paintings.Most of his works are in art galleries in Boston, Washington DC and New York, especially at the Whitney museum.His favourite scenes were restaurants, cafés, hotels, trains, cinemas and offices. In most of his paintings, he highlights the theme of loneliness, in particular urban solitude. He lived in an apartment in Greenwich Village for 54 years and his paintings depict scenes from his own neighbourhood . He took sketches from travelling around New York City and then he used to go to a studio and paint. His wife, Joséphine ,who was also a painter became his model for all the women he painted.At the same time his presentations of NYC were original. He had no interest in skyscrapers, buildings ,cars and machines. He found his inspiration in everyday American life: city streets, shops, cafés, restaurants, gas stations, hotels and people. He showed windows from the inside looking out or from the outside looking in, from quiet cafés or intimate bedrooms.He focused on night scenes because of the contrast between bright city lights and darkness outside which he used to stress his characters' loneliness.
His most famous painting is " Nighthawks" 1942. It is considered as one of America 's most famous pieces of art. It shows customers sitting at the counter of a diner.

Edward Hopper was born in NY in 18__ and died in 1_____ . He produced nearly ___ paintings.Most of his works are in ______________ in Boston, ______________ and New York, especially at the Whitney museum.His favourite scenes were restaurants, _________ hotels, ______, cinemas and ___________. In most of his paintings, he highlights the theme of ___________, in particular urban _____________. He lived in an ___________ in Greenwich Village for __ years and his paintings depict scenes from his own ______________. He took sketches from travelling around New York City and then he used to go to a ___________ and paint. His wife, Joséphine ,who was also a _________ became his model for all the women he painted.At the same time his presentations of NYC were original. He had no interest in skyscrapers, buildings ,cars and machines. He found his inspiration in ___________ American life: city ___________, shops, cafés, restaurants, _____ stations, hotels and ________. He showed windows from the _________ looking out or from the ________ looking in, from _______ cafés or _______ bedrooms.He focused on _______ scenes because of the contrast between ________ city lights and _________ outside which he used to stress his characters' loneliness.
His most famous painting is " Nighthawks" 19___. It is considered as one of America 's most _______ pieces of art. It shows ___________ sitting at the counter of a __________.

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