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Monday 30 September 2013

6E trace écrite du 30/09/13 Book 1 lesson 1 page 13

8:00 a.m. "Good morning, Miss."
1:00 p.m. "Good afternoon, Sir."
6:00 p.m. "Good evening, Mr and Mrs Smith."

9:00 p.m. "Good night"
The students are at school , in class with their teacher. Jennifer is late.
       boys and the girls
On dit: in the morning...., in the afternoon...., in the evening.....MAIS at night....

Saturday 28 September 2013


Pour prolonger ce que nous avons vu en classe et vous aider à bien mémoriser les nombres.
Pour prononcer et savoir écrire les nombres de 0 à 10, cliquer ici
Pour prononcer et savoir écrire les nombres de 11 à 20, cliquer ici

Pour mémoriser l'orthographe et la prononciation des nombres de 0 à 100, cliquer ici
Pour éviter les confusions entre 15 et 50, 13 et 30...ici
Vous pouvez consultez un livre intéractif créé par Mme Haquet, ici.

Voici quelques jeux:
Let's play that game and this one as well!.  Enjoy!

Tuesday 24 September 2013

3SE Trailer of the movie: "World Trade Center"

Try to see  Manhattan from the sky.

3SE Summary of the first ten minutes of the film “World Trade Center”

Last time we watched the beginning of the film, World Trade Center by Oliver Stone.(O. Stone is an American film -maker) The World Trade Center was the name of the two twin towers there were in Manhattan before the attacks of September 11th 2001. We saw a policeman getting up early to go to work and many people going to work using different means of transport: the subway (US) (tube GB), their car, the bus, the ferry (to go from Staten Island to Manhattan), the taxi.....
We saw some famous places in Manhattan: first the skyline of Manhattan with the WTC, the statue of Liberty, the Empire State building.
At the beginning of the film the atmosphere is quiet. Almost everyone is sleeping and gradually it is getting noisier and noisier especially after the crash. We could hear the sirens of the police cars, ambulances and firemen lorries.

Monday 23 September 2013

3SE The US remembers September 11th

An article to read here.

5C Jonathan

To correct what you've understood about Jonathan, click here.

5C Emma

To correct what you 've understood about Emma, click here.

5C Changement d'îlot

Attention! Un îlot a déjà atteint les 20 points. Mercredi vous changerez donc. Puisque vous êtes nombreux, j'ai constitué 8 îlots (5 c'est trop pour travailler efficacement)
6 îlots de 4 et 2 îlots de 3. Je vous invite à bien réfléchir avant de vous installer et suggère que les meilleurs aillent aider au mieux ceux qui en ont besoin. Merci.

5C Toby introduces himself

Pour finir la compréhension de Toby commencée en classe, cliquer ici.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

3SE les questions sur les 2 documents: correction

Doc 1:
1 Was September 11th 2001 a Tuesday or a Thursday?
2 How many terrorists hijacked the planes?
3 How many minutes separated the first crash from the second one?
How long was it between the first impact and the second one?
4 What is the name of the US Department of Defense Headquarters?

Doc 2:
1 Where had the plane (which crashed into the Northern Tower) taken off from?
Where did it take off from?
2 What was its destination?
3 How many litres of jet fuel did the plane contain when it exploded?
-------------------------------------------------have in its tank?
4 How many storeys did the aircraft (that crashed into the Pentagon) bring down?
5 What was the name of the mayor when the attacks occured/ took place?

5C Correction des exos 1,2 et 3 sur Avoir

  1. Have ou has
  1. James has….
  2. Shawna and her sister have…
  3. Have you got…..
  4. Has your teacher got glasses ?
  5. Babies have got……

  1. Remettre dans l'ordre.
  1. He’s got a basket ball.
  2. Has she got a kitten?
  3. They’ve got a big house.
  4. She hasn’t got a sister.
  5. Has he got a guitar?
3-formes contractées de have
  1. I’ve got a vampire costume.
  2. They’ve got rap CDs.
  3. You haven’t got a nice costume.
  4. My parents heven’t got a big house.
  5. We’ve got a dog: Biscuit.
  6. I’ve got a green school bag.

5C Correction des exercices 1,2 et 3 sur être

Correction ÊTRE
  1. Rétablir les formes contractées de BE .
  1. I’m twelve.
  2. He’s fat.
  3. What’s your favourite colour ?
  4. You’re great !
  5. We’re the same age.
  6. They’re from London.
2-Be à la forme qui convient.
  1. Are you Australian ? No, I’m not. I am American.
  2. Is she from Boston? No, she isn’t. She is from New York.
  3. Where are you from? I’m from Dublin.
3- Are you the new ….?
Yes, I am. Where are the kids?
They are not here. They are in the park…..
Now the pizza is in the microwave… The soda is ….. the oranges are next to
OK. And where are you tonight?
Tonight we are at the Grand Hotel!

3SE Compréhension Ecrite : Tattoo Pain Therapy for 9/11 Grief

This is the photo which goes with the text " Shoulders to cry on: tattoo pain therapy for 9/11 grief."

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Prononciation illustrée des lettres de l'alphabet en anglais

Certains d'entre vous ont du mal à prononcer les sigles phonétiques sous l'alphabet. Ce travail fait par Agnès Pihuit Imbert devrait vous aider. C'est ici.

3SE Voices of America 9/11

Listen to the audio to fill the blanks of your text.

6E dossier de bourses + assurances

Dernier rappel!!
Il me manque 4 réponses pour la demande de dossier de bourses. C'est à me remettre demain dernier délai.
(Mathys, Florian, Emma et Frédéric)
Il manque aussi des assurances (Mathieu , Anya et Florian)

Monday 16 September 2013

5C Trace écrite du 16 09 2013

Today is Monday, September 16th 2013 (twenty thirteen)

Is everybody in class today? Yes, nobody is absent. (= everybody is in class today)

She loves her job.
                  (her est un adjectif possessif qui s'emploie quand on parle de quelquechose qui appartient à une fille)

J.P. is 51 years old. (pour exprimer l'âge en anglais on emploie le verbe être)

She hasn't got any pets.

He loves cooking.
      (love + BV-ing)

Thursday 12 September 2013

5C: entraînement à la compréhension orale

Si vous voulez vous entrainer  à la compréhension de l'oral (je comprends quand quelqu'un se décrit), vous pouvez aller sur le site audio lingua et travailler la compréhension qui s'intitule:
Emma introduces herself (A1) audio
et /ou
Jonathan introduces himself (A1) audio
Sur votre cahier , noter sous forme de carte heuristique, tout ce que vous comprenez.( Je vous donnerai la solution une fois que vous aurez cherché.)

Wednesday 11 September 2013

6C 6E Alphabet

Vous pouvez écouter the alphabet rap dans votre DVD-Rom.

En vous connectant sur le site, le livre scolaire (ici), vous accédez gratuitement au manuel numérique "a piece of cake " 6ème en cliquant dessus.
Cliquer sur:
I speak English
Puis sur:
stage 1 : Spelling bee
Ecouter le n°4, the alphabet et répéter à haute voix.
Je vous donnerai dès demain un code personnel pour accéder aux exercices de ce manuel numérique.

September the eleventh 2001

To watch the video we saw in class again, click here.

Some capitals



Monday 9 September 2013

5C challenge inter îlots

Spell these words:
Finish the list
I, you, ...
Name 5 things
you can drink.
Name 4 things
in the classroom.
Ask 3 questions.
Describe your neighbour.
What is the plural of:
Answer the question:
“How are you today?”
What time is it?
What time is it?
Finish the list
I like, you like, ...
Finish the list
I’ve got, you’ve got, ...
Give the name of 5 rooms in a house.
Answer the question:
“How old are you?”
Give 10 words
beginning with a “C”.
Simple present “be”
I ..., you ... etc
name 4 members
of a family.
Find 5 words that are the same in English and French (example: table)
Name 4 cities
in the USA.
What’s the capital of...
Give the 12 months
of the year.
Name 3 parts
of Great-Britain.
He’s got glasses
and teaches maths in
this school. Who is he?
Name the 4 seasons.
Give 10 words
beginning with an “M”.
Name five school subjects.
Name 4 things that
are in your bedroom.
Name 10 animals.
Name 8 colours.
Say this phone number:
0759 846 552

Thursday 5 September 2013

These are the four cardinal points.

In this form, you practise many different activities. Some of you have dance classes, others play football, volley ball ,hand ball, tennis, table tennis. A few of you are musicians. Quentin plays the violin, Olivia plays the flute. Ewan likes scale modelling.
Other activities practised by the pupils:
Many of you use a computer but you have different attitudes in front of it . Some spend long hours whereas others use it very rarely or spend between 15 and 30 minutes.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Be au présent

Pour faire l'exercice , cliquez ici ou bien .

The animal alphabet song

The animals you can see in « the Animal Alphabet Song »

Que faut-il mettre comme article indéfini devant les animaux ci-dessous: a ou bien an ? (have a look p 148 in your book)

ant – bear – bumble bee - cat - chicken - cow- dog - elephant - fish - goose - hen - hog - horse- ibis - jackal- kangaroo - lamb - lion - monkey- goat - owl - peacock- quail - skunk- tadpole - toad - tiger - unicorn- viper - walrus - whale- zebra-

Pour prononcer l'alphabet tout seul.

Retrouver les lettres de l'alphabet cachées dans l'image et écouter leur prononciation. Cliquer ici.