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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

6B Group 1 Act 1

Narrateur 1:London. It is a cold,
Les choeurs: cold( br br br br br) ,
Narrateur 1: windy
Les choeurs: windy(bruit du vent )
Narrateur 1:and snowy evening
Les choeurs:and snowy evening(mimer la neige qui tombe, 2 personnes font une bataille de boules de neige).
Narrateur 1:The Darlings are at home.
Narrateur 2:The children, Wendy, Michael and John are about to go to bed. Wendy is

reading a book and the two boys are on their bed.
Narrateur 3:
Mr and Mrs Darling are getting ready. Look! What a pretty woman!

Les choeurs: Look! What a pretty woman!
Narrateur 3:They are having a dinner outside tonight.(Dans un coin Mrs Darling se

maquille et se coiffe en fredonnant pendant que Mr Darling cherche sa cravate ; les garçons se lèvent et font une bataille de polochon)
John: Come on, pirate! (dit John à Michael l'incitant à venir se battre; il sort son épée)
Michael: Take that. (en lui lançant son oreiller sur la tête)
John: Ouch!
Michael: Are you ready to fight?
John: Of course, I am!
Ils combattent et gènent leur soeur qui lisait tranquillement.
Wendy: Stop this nonsense! I can't read. Calm down., please. And Michael , it is time for you to go to bed.
Michael: It's time for you to go to bed. Phew! It's NOT fair! It's not eight o'clock yet, Wendy!
Wendy: no, but it will be eight o-clock soon and you need to have a bath. Now, off you go!
Michael: Oh, Wendy , you're not my mother. Don't give me orders!
Wendy: Nana, Come here and take care of the boys.

Nana emmène les garçons à la salle de bain.
Wendy: What a good dog she is!
George Darling arrive dans la chambre des enfants cherchant toujours sa cravate. Have you seen my tie? Demande -t-il et il se cogne à Nana et trébuche.

Mrs Darling: Oh my dear! Are you okay?
Mr Darling: I hate that stupid dog! What is Nana doing in the house? It's time for her to go in her kennel outside! Oh! I have hair all over my trousers. (dit George en se

brossant le pantalon)
Nana se dirige vers son panier dans la chambre des enfants en montrant qu'elle souhaite rester ici.
Mr Darling: I think it's a mistake to have a dog for a nurse!
Mrs Darling: We must keep Nana. I'll tell you why.
Mr Darling: Why?
Mrs Darling: I saw a face at the window.
Mr Darling: A face at the window! (surpris)
Les choeurs: A face at the window! ( encore plus surpris)
Mrs Darling: It was the face a little boy. He wanted to get in. (Mrs Darling se dirige vers la fen^tre et John la suit)
John: Mother! There's nobody there! It's impossible. The nursery is on the third floor.
Wendy: Here is your tie, Dad! It was on the dressing table.
Mr darling: Can you help me with my tie?
Wendy: Yes, I can. Hurry, father or you'll be late for your dinner party.

Mr Darling: Thank you Wendy.
Wendy (faisant le noeud de cravate de son père) There, that's much neater.
Mr Darling: Now, you children, into bed.
Children: yes, father.
Mr Darling: and you Nana in the yard.
Nana grogne de mécontentement.
Children: oh, father!
Mr Darling: in vain, in vain. (c'est inutile de vouloir discuter)
Mrs Darling:But George, remember what I told you. That boy!

Mr Darling: Am I master in this house or is she? Nana tremble.

Mr Darling: Come along! Nana hurle! Hou! Fait non de la tête et croise les pattes, se couche.
Mr Darling: Come on Nana! Er er kind Nana,(nana secoue la tête) er good nana,( elle est d'accord) pretty nana (elle se roule par terre et George l'attrape par le collier et la met dehors pendant que les autres regardent par la fen^tre) Got you. You'll be chained in the yard.
Michael: Listen (nana pleure) She is awfully unhappy.

Wendy: That's not an unhappy bark. That's a bark because she smells danger.
John : Danger?
Mrs Darling: No no no. Everything is quiet. Time to go to bed. (Mrs Darling embrasse ses enfants.) Good night children.
Mr Darling: Mary? Are you coming, dear? We must leave, now.

Mrs Darling: I'm coming, dear. Good night children.


Répartition provisoire  des rôles  : des changements auront probablement lieu. Si vous avez un petit rôle cette fois ci, soyez patient on équilibrera dans un prochain acte!!

Aïlan Nana choeur ?
Inès Narrateur 2
Quentin choeur
Anaïs Nana choeur?
Lomée John
Mickaella Narrateur 1
Lucas C Nana choeur ?
Maxime Mr Darling
Lou-Anne Narrateur 3
Jean Nana choeur?
Rocco Michael
Alix choeur
Elia Mrs Darling
Laura Wendy
 L'audio pour vous aider à lire et à apprendre votre texte.

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