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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

6B Group 2 Act 2

Les enfants (John 1, Michael 1 et Wendy1) dorment et soudain la fenêtre s'ouvre. Une boule de lumière entre et cherche quelque chose . La voix de Tinker Bell sera le xylo. Puis Peter Pan entre à son tour.

Peter Pan 1: Tink ? Where are you?

La lumière s'approche de Peter accompagnée du xylo.

Peter Pan 1: Please, Tinker Bell , Can you find my shadow?

Tinker Bell discute avec Peter.

Peter 1 :Ok, you think it is in this drawer. Peter s'approche de la commode.Well done! Here it is! (Il faut montrer que Tink reste dans le tiroir: xylo et lumière) Peter referme le tiroir et oublie Tinker Bell.)

Peter est content et danse avec son ombre(un filet) Now I can stick the shadow to my back or to my shoulders....or to my feet. Il essait de recoller son ombre mais n'y parvient pas.Pfffff! Il bougonne trépigne , tape du pied et s'assied.. Cela réveille Wendy.

Wendy 1: Little boy, what's the matter? Dit-elle en lui tapant sur l'épaule Peter Pan se lève vite, ote son chapeau et la salue.

Peter Pan:Accept my apologies for waking you. By the way...... What's your name?

Wendy: Wendy Moira Angela Darling. What's yours?

Peter Pan: Peter Pan. That's all!

Wendy: THE Peter Pan?

Peter Pan: Yes,I am Peter Pan. Do you know me?

Wendy: Certainly, I do. If you want I can sew your shadow.

Peter: Can you?

Wendy: Yes, I can and I'll be glad to help you.Elle recoud l'ombre.

Peter bouge beaucoup: Ouch!

Wendy: I'm sorry Peter. But please! Don't move!! Peter joue avec son ombre et est content.


Il sort; un autre Peter entre. Changement de Wendy aussi.

Peter 2: That's fantastic; here is my shadow back. You're wonderful, Wendy.

Wendy 2: Really ?

Peter 2: Yes, you are.

Wendy sourit, embrasse Peter sur la joue qui recule , surpris. Oh!

Wendy sourit: How old are you Peter?

Peter 2: I don't Know, but I'm young. I don't want to grow up. I just want to be a boy and have fun.

Peter réalise soudain que Tinker Bell n'est plus là.

Peter 2: Tink, where are you? Il la cherche. Bruit du xylo.

Elle est dans le tiroir. Peter 2: Oh poor Tinker Bell: You were stuck in this drawer. La lumière sort du tiroir. Bruit du xylo. Tink est fachée. Peter essait de la calmer pendant que Wendy va réveiller John 1 et Michael 1.

On change de Wendy et de Peter Pan.


Wendy 3 : Come on boys. Get up!

John 1 grogne: I am still tired Wendy. I need to sleep. Il se retourne de l'autre côté.

Wendy 3: Get up, Michael!

Michael 1! No way, Wendy!

Wendy 3: Boys! It's such a surprise! Peter Pan is here!

Michael 1 se frotte les yeux ,éberlué: Peter Pan! I can't believe it!!!

John 1 se lève à son tour: it' s soooooooooo soooooo sooo great!!! dit il en regardant son frère et le public avec des yeux surpris et la bouche grande ouverte.

Wendy 3 montrant ses deux frères: Peter, I haven't introduced john and Michael, my two brothers.

Boys, this is ...

Michael 1 and John 1 finissent vite la phrase en choeur: Peter Pan .

John 1: Please to meet you Peter! dit John en lui serrant vigoureusement la main. Peter s'en détache agacé.

Michael 1 s'avance : Welcome Home Peter! et lui apprend son check en deux secondes: tape la main , cogne le poing, frappe le torse et finissent pouce en l'air index vers l'autre.

Wendy et Michael semblent étonnés.

Michael 1: As easy as a pie. Dit Michael en recommançant.

What dit he say? Demande Peter 3 aux spectateurs. Il met sa main sur son oreille pour montrer qu'ils les écoutent. Il attend la réponse des spectateurs.

Michael 1 aux spectateurs: zizizazepaille!!! Are you kidding? What language are you talking? Well ! Let's continue!


Changement de Peter, John, Michael et Wendy.

Peter 4 se positionne . What's my text now?

John 2 souffle à Peter: Are you their mother?

Peter 4: Are you their mother?

John 2: No, of course not, silly! Wendy is our big sister!

Étonnement de Peter

Michael 2: Where is your home?

John 2: Do you live in London?

Peter 4: When I was a baby I lived in London. But, now I live in Neverland with the lost boys and Tinker Bell, of course! Tink ! Come and say hello to John and Michael.

Michael 2 montrant la lumière qui bouge: What is it? Dit il en voulant l'attraper.

Wendy 4: Tink is a fairy Michael.

Michael 2 est étonné: a fairy?

Wendy 4 poursuit, curieuse: Neverland, The lost boys? Who are they?

Peter 4: The lost boys haven't got a mother or father. They are alone in the world and they live in Neverland. I am their Captain. In Neverland we fight the pirates.

John 2 and Michael 2: the pirates!

Peter 4: Yes, the pirates, boys. (ils sortent en combattant)

Changement de Peter John, Michael and Wendy.

Peter 5: we also swim in the lagoon with the beautiful mermaids under the magic moon.

Wendy 5: wow! Mermaids, the lagoon and the magic moon. You live in a fantastic place!

Peter 5: Fairies live in the trees in the forest. The fairies are my friends.

John 3:What fun!

Michael 3: Can we go and meet everybody?

Wendy 5: Don't be silly Michael! We can't go to Neverland.

Peter 5: You could come to Neverland with me, Michael and John . But Wendy would have to come too. She would be such a wonderful mother for everyone.

Michael 3: Oh, can we Wendy? Please, say yes.

Wendy 5: no no no no no. Absolutely not!

John 3: Why Wendy? Say yes Wendy!

Wendy 5: How do we get to Neverland?

Peter 5: Fly of course. Peter montre Tinker Bell qui vole (xylo et lumière)

Wendy 5: Fly?

Peter 5: it's easy!

Michael 3: easy for you but.....

John 3: impossible for us.

Wendy 5: Let's think. We'll find a solution!
John 3
Wendy 4
Wendy 2
Peter 3 + lumière
Wendy 3
Wendy 5
Peter 4
Peter 2 et Peter 5
Wendy 1
Michael 1 et 2
Michael 3 + xylo
Peter 1
Lucas Q.
John 2
John 1

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