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Wednesday 13 February 2013

6B group 1 act 4

Act 4 (Bien lire le texte pour décider des rôles) Voici les deux audios: partie 1 et partie 2
Inès Moonshine (pirate)

Quentin Jukes 1

Anaïs Starkey (pirate)

Mickaella Smee
Lucas C Alf 1 (pirate)

Maxime croc

Lou-Anne Hook 2

Cecco (pirate)
Rocco Jukes 2

Alf 2
Elia Hook 1

Captain Hook 1:Put me down, put me down, men. Goodness me! It's soooooooooooo exhausting travelling in this tropical heat! I know the lost boys live in this forest. We must find them and........ Peter Pan. I hate Peter Pan.( Ils entendent du bruit.)
Starkey: Cap'n. I'm sure it's one of those boys you detest so much. I will make a few holes in him. (Starkey fait semblant de tirer en imitant le bruit du pistolet: Pan, pan, pan!)By heaven I will. (Starkey veut tirer mais Hook lui attrape le bras.)
Hook 1: Be patient, Starkey! You will have all the targets you need. I want Peter Pan himself, the cause of my misery, the source of my humiliation, the culprit of my mono dexterosity.
Smee: Mono what?
Hook 1: Oh never mind Smee. You wouldn't understand.
(Hook 1 attrape Smee avec son crochet et le fait tourner méchamment sur lui même. Les autres pirates reculent de peur.)
Hook 1: What is my name, Smee?
Smee: Captain Hook, sir.
Hook 1: And why am I so called?
Smee: On account of your hook, sir.
Jukes 1 : cos Peter pan cut your hand and fed it to the crocodile.
Hook 1 : exactly! His time will come and I will get him. Do you hear that, men?
All the pirates: Yes ,we do Capt'n.
Moonshine: I now, understand your strange dread of crocodiles.
Hook 1: Not of crocodiles, but of that one crocodile. 4élèves illustrent le croc
Cecco: It liked your arm so much that it follows you...
Jukes 1: from sea to sea and from land to land licking its lips from the rest of you.
Smee: In a way, it's a compliment!
Hook 1: I want no such compliments. I want Peter Pan.
Alf 1: You're lucky the crocodile swallowed an alarm clock!
Cecco: It goes tick tock tick tock inside it...
Moonshine:So before the crocodile can reach you, you hear the tick!
Smee: Some day the clock will run down and the croc will get you!
Hook 1:Yes, Smee! And it makes me crazy.

ATTENTION Ajout act 4

Le crocodile se rapproche. Tick tock tick tock. Le croc avance. Hook 1 est fou, terrorisé, les yeux hagards.
Hook 1: Smee? Smee! Save me, Smee! Please don't let him get me, Smee! Oh, no Smee, don't let him get him. Please, Smee!
Smee: Shame on you. Upsetting the poor Captain (dit -il en regardant le croc) There will be no handouts today. Go on . Go on. Off it. Off with youI say, go away, go away, out of here. (et le croc s'en va)
Hook 1( terrorisé) Is he gone, Smee?
Smee: Yes, Captain. All clear. Nothing to worry about. Just relax! Le capitaine est inquiet et regarde partout et sort de la scène. 
L'autre Hook(2) rentre, tend l'oreille, écoute si le croc est bien parti et se montre soulagé.

Hook 2 s'assied sur un gros champignon, se lève et soulève la tête du champignon qui couvrait une cheminée.
Hook 2: This seat is hot. I'm burning.
Hook 2: I believe our luck is changing maties. SH! SH! (Ils écoutent tous attentivement)
Jukes 2: What is it, captain?
All the pirates Starkey, Smee, Juke2, Moonshine, Cecco, Alf 2 viennent encercler la cheminée: Sh! Sh!
Hook 2: A chimney! I believe, we know where the boys and their leader Peter Pan live.
All the pirates Starkey, Smee, Juke2, Moonshine, Cecco, Alf 2: hooray!
Hook 2:Sh! Do you want to alert them? We have to find a plan and to find the entrance of the underground house.
Alf 2: I have an idea.
Hook 2: Well, Alf.
Alf 2: I suggest to bake a lovely cake.
Jukes 2: Why? They don't deserve treats!!
Alf 2: Oh! This would be a special treat , Jukes, with special ingredients such as....
Jukes 2: You mean.... the green sugar!
Alf 2: Exactly! The green sugar!
Hook 2: Excellent! Let's go to the Jolly Roger and prepare the poisoned cake. Les pirates repartent en chantant.

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